Monday, August 25, 2008

Why Fake Cancer?

There is a lot of confusion and head shaking over last weeks revelation that Michael Guglielmucci, singer, songwriter and pastor, has been lying for two years when he told everyone that he had a rare and terminal cancer.

As usual, the church doesn't know what to say and the world full of people who don't follow Jesus are laughing and using this one case to say all Christians are liars and fakes.

I am sure there are a lot of revelations to come, and perhaps we shouldn't make up our minds on the whole issue until there has been a more extensive investigation by the church and the authorities.

In the meantime, take a look at this blog:

It is the wisest and most balanced thing that I have read yet.

Stay tuned for more.


Anonymous said...

Hi John,
Just wanted to say "thanks" for the link ... I believe we continue to seek God and pray for Michael. God will take this and use it for good.

For the Kingdom,
Fred McKinnon

Greenbridge said...

"If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at him." John8:7

Anonymous said...

i dont know this person "Mike"
but my feeling and i belive that God have a plan for all belivers after what happend to MIKE
and effect to beliver
so Stick In Jesus whatever it take God know your heart .......:)
GBU dad

Anonymous said...

Pt. Dave,
I don't know, I just don't think it's fair to condemn him. His song & preachings have reached a lot of people despite of this big fraud. Everyone makes mistakes. Believing in God is real & we should always put our eyes on God right?

Pastor Dave said...

Do we excuse what he has done because he has touched a lot of people with his preaching and music?

Forgive him because we all deserve and need grace.

Keep his music because it brings praise to God.

But can what he has done right balance what he lied about?