Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It was a Long, Dark Knight

I finally got to watch the new Batman movie. It is clearly a great movie. Well made, great acting. Heath Ledger should win an Oscar for his amazing performance. He really steals the show, and is so bad (how bad is he....) that you don't ever find yourself cheering for him.

All that being said, it is a very long movie and not really very much fun. I go to movies to be entertained, and I was only "sort of" entertained by "The Dark Knight." I agree with the critic from one of the major news magazines (can't remember which) who said, "It's Batman, not Hamlet. It would be nice to have a little fun too" or something like that.

It might go on to surpass "Titanic" as the top grossing movie of all time, but it isn't a more entertaining movie than "Titanic." AS a super hero movie, I prefer any of the Spiderman movies, especially Spiderman 3.

And as for fun, I had a lot more fun watching "Hancock."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heath Ledger was great, Jack Nicholson was original - he IS the Joker.